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Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley Corpuz, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley To, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley Booth, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley Bassey, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley Douglas, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley Huang, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley Temple, Country --, Birth Address Santa Monica, California, United States
Shirley Temple was easily the most popular and famous child star of all time. She got her start in the movies at the age of three and soon progressed to super stardom. Shirley coul...
Other Name Shirley Ross, Country --, Birth Address Omaha - Nebraska - USA
Blonde, vivacious and obviously talented, Shirley Ross had the promisings of a big musical film star but her career remained strictly second-string throughout her fairly short ca...
Other Name Anne Shirley, Country --, Birth Address New York City, New York USA
They didn't come packaged any sweeter and lovelier than Anne Shirley, a gentle and gracious 1930s teen film actress who didn't quite reach the zenith of front-rank stardom and reti...
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley MacLaine, Country --, Birth Address Richmond, Virginia, USA
Shirley MacLaine (born April 24, 1934) is an American film and theater actress, dancer, activist, and author, well-known for her beliefs in new age spirituality and reincarnation. ...
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --
Other Name Shirley Henderson, Country --, Birth Address Forres, Morayshire, Scotland
Shirley Henderson is a Scottish film and television actress, best known for playing Moaning Myrtle in the "Harry Potter" movie franchise as well as Jude in several "Bridget Jones" ...
Other Name --, Country --, Birth Address --