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Mar,29 2022 In Theaters
3 mahasiswa (Thalia, Erlan dan Ahmad ) jurusan psychology menemui seorang pasien sakit jiwa (Nina) untuk materi research skripsi mereka. Bermula dari masalah kejiwaan Nina yang akh...
Apr,05 In Theaters
Seorang ibu bernama Sekar (Shareefa Daanish), berusaha menghidupi 3 anaknya sendirian dengan cara membuka warung makan. Akhir-akhir ini ia resah karena dagangannya selalu basi sesa...
May,19 2022 In Theaters
Thalia, Erlan and Ahmad are psychology students doing research for a thesis on a psychiatric patient named Nina, who had been chained in a small hut. Nina`s mental disorder causes ...
May,30 In Theaters
A family suddenly suffers a series of horrific terrors but surprisingly, the terror actually comes from one of the family members themselves, namely the mother.