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Jan,22 2016 In Theaters
Jul,23 2005 In Theaters
《琳達!琳達!》是一部由山下敦弘執導的日本電影,於2005年7月18日在日本上映。 芝崎高校2004年第34屆文化祭開幕在即!幾名女生爲最後一天的演出而組建樂隊,卻因成員身上發生的意外臨時換人,日語不甚靈光的韓國學生宋(裴鬥娜 飾)被拉進隊中任主唱一職,演唱歌曲也終於確定爲THE BLUE HEARTS樂隊的《LINDA LINDA》。 自此孤傲...
Sep,14 2009 In Theaters
Provocative two-part documentary in which Dan Snow blows the lid on the traditional Anglo-centric view of history and reveals how the Irish saved Britain from cultural oblivion dur...
Jun,13 2009 In Theaters
Mar,20 2015 In Theaters
Inseparable best friends struggle to make the best of their last few days together, savoring the city nightlife with an enigmatic artis t one of them takes a liking for.
Jan,18 2013 In Theaters
爛片 Celal, who dreams of achieving happiness as a ladies' man and charmer, soon gets into difficulties and suffers misfortun...
Jan,01 1985 In Theaters
羅尼(Joe Mullaney)和威爾(Will)是住在蘇格蘭高地附近愛丁堡的兩個遊手好閒的小混混。窮困潦倒一無所有的兩人總想著某一天能幹點大事。於是他們以羅賓漢的英雄情懷自我鼓勵,決定“禮貌地”打劫高地觀光團遊客們的現金。兩個人帶著狼人面具和小丑面具,拿著可以噴出咖哩粉的玩具槍就開始了蒙面搶劫的征程。哪知兩個人的打劫行為竟然成了吸引高地觀光團遊客們的一大賣...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A look at the life and work of American filmmaker Robert Altman.
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Albert who lives in the small Danish provincial town Kalleby. Albert is always up to no good, but he's also really clumsy. One day he comes to overturn the city's landmarks - a sta...
Jan,01 2017 In Theaters
GILBERT is a wildly funny and unexpectedly poignant portrait of the life and career of one of comedy's most iconic figures, Gilbert Gottfried.
Dec,03 2010 In Theaters
ESPN will debut a behind-the-scenes documentary following the Boston Celtics next month, with the five-episode series set to give a glimpse of the Green in their quest for Banner 1...
Apr,20 2012 In Theaters
An aspiring teen detective stumbles into her first real case, when investigating the mysterious new family in her neighborhood.
May,19 2016 In Theaters
《The Red Thread》Seven years after their first infatuated encounter, Abril and Manuel meet again. Despite the fact that they are both married, it is soon apparent that their attract...
Jan,01 2016 In Theaters
Jan,01 2005 In Theaters
高中生活最後一次的文化祭就要開始了,原定要在文化祭壓軸演出的女生樂團,卻面臨解散危機?!成員之一因傷無法演出,創團元老也在此時爆發意見不合…種種打擊之下,性格剛強的小惠(香椎由宇飾)卻不認輸,執意要樂團繼續準備演出! 因為如此,小惠從鍵盤變成吉他手,和僅剩的成員鼓手響子(前田亞季飾)、貝斯手白河望(關根史織)一起,茫然尋找重新出發的音樂靈感。八零年代樂團「T...
Feb,13 1975 In Theaters
在南非開普敦的法庭上,英國自由主義律師瑞娜正在為她的委託人——一位已被關押長達十年的黑人反種族隔離運動者夏克做辯護,瑞娜希望能通過自己的努力為夏克贏得自由。然而所有不利的證據和相關法律都直指夏克,官司獲勝的希望渺茫,但最終的判決結果卻出乎所有人的意料,政府不僅撤消了對夏克的起訴,而且將他當庭釋放。 ...
Jan,01 1998 In Theaters
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
導演: 袁和平 編劇: 樑立人 / 王晶 主演: 樑家仁 型別: 動作 / 歷史 製片國家/地區: 香港 語言: 漢語普通話 / 粵語 片長: UK: 89 分鐘 IMDb連結: tt00841...
Nov,10 2017 In Theaters
Mar,11 2022 In Theaters