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Jan,01 2018 In Theaters
. 마약 밀매업자 아벨을 체포하기 위한 비밀작전이 진행되면서 상황은 격렬한 총격전으로 번진다. 부패한 경찰 에스피노와 그의 정보원 엘리야는 혼란스런 상황에서 마약을 챙겨 잇속을 챙기지만 상황은 점점 꼬여간다. 필리핀의 거장 브릴란테 멘도자의 신작.(2018년 제23회 부산국제영화제)
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
United at the Hardstyle raw stage. 2 teams back 2 back only getting the best out of each other. Their sound is more industrial Hardstyle, a fast growing genre. These masters take i...
Aug,04 2015 In Theaters
Kate and Humphrey take their pups to Alfred Creek Falls for a vacation, where they find themselves embroiled in a cross-country chase after mad wolf trappers spot them.
Mar,25 2014 In Theaters
Join the pack in this wild, warmhearted and totally pawsome adventure starring everyone's favorite alphas and omegas! It's time for "The Great Wolf Games," when all the alphas in t...
Sep,01 2013 In Theaters
導演: Tony Trov / Johnny Zito 編劇: Tony Trov / Johnny Zito 主演: Ron Jeremy / Nikki Bell / Nicole Cinaglia 型別: 動作 / 科幻 / 恐怖 製片國家/地區: 美國 ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
導演: Jacob Cooney 主演: Julien Bensimhon 型別: 喜劇 / 情色 製片國家/地區: 美國 片長: 88分鐘 又名: 阿爾法屋 IMDb連結: tt330777...
Jul,14 2014 In Theaters
出生於2105年的迪娜是ESWAT人類強化名單的第一順位的人類戰士,與布裡艾諾斯是一對戀人。她的父親為傳說中的戰士,父親則是“奧林帕斯”的創始者之一吉莉亞姆博士,掌握著APPLE SEED-生化人繁殖基因的關鍵。而布裡艾諾斯則在戰爭時受過重傷,被七賢老所救且全身被改造成機械化,現擔任奧林帕斯的維安部隊-ESWAT的一員,由於改造人的身分而不得不壓抑自己對迪娜...
Feb,25 2011 In Theaters
加拿大綠寶石國家公園生活著兩群完全不相來往的兩群狼,其中凱特(海頓·潘妮蒂爾 Hayden Panettiere 配音)是西部狼群首領的女兒,對她來說原則、職責和責任重於一切;亨弗雷(賈斯汀·朗 Justin Long 配音)則來自另一個狼群,成天嘻嘻哈哈,無憂無慮,是個享受派。凱特即將嫁給東部狼群首領的兒子加斯(克里斯·卡馬克 Chris Carmack ...
Oct,08 2013 In Theaters
Kate & Humphrey and their three wolf cubs (Smokey, Claudette and Runt) are happily preparing to celebrate their first winter holidays together when their smallest cub, Runt, myster...
Aug,07 2013 In Theaters
故事發生在一家廣播電臺裡,阿蘭(史蒂夫·庫根 Steve Coogan 飾)是一檔談話節目的主持人,曾經,他也有過輝煌的過去,然而,一場意外讓他的事業和名聲都跌到了谷底,如今,他只能在這個名不見經傳的小地方主持他那沒有多少人關注的廣播節目。 某日,廣播電臺被一家跨國連鎖 企業所受夠,一位...
Jul,22 2014 In Theaters
在並不遙遠的未來,愚蠢的人類發動大規模戰爭,將賴以生存的世界變成廢墟。昔日的國際大都會紐約,破破爛爛的街上走來了杜南·納茲(Luci Christian 配音)及其半機械人男友布里艾諾斯(David Matranga 配音),他們剛剛搞砸貪婪大佬雙角(Wendel Calvert 配音),無奈只得再度延後前往奧林帕斯的日期。雙角承諾交給二人最後...
Feb,27 2014 In Theaters
艾倫帕特奇(史帝夫庫根 飾演)因為醜聞事件讓事業盪到谷底,他無法再主持全國性的脫口秀節目,只好回老家重新做起電臺主播。而他在電臺策畫了一個叫做《阿爾法爸爸》的新節目,就在他極力挽回自己的公眾人物形象時,卻被捲入一宗暴力事件,讓局勢再次變得複雜..。
Jul,21 2014 In Theaters
The Alphas and Omegas share a thrilling adventure after Runt discovers the Saw Tooth Cave. Runt finds a wolf in need and lends a helping paw. Stars Ben Diskin & Kate Higgins. Ameri...
May,03 2012 In Theaters
Oct,25 2005 In Theaters
When Ryu returns to pay homage to his deceased mentor, Gouken, he is tormented by disturbing memories of his master’s killer. In a quest to become a true martial arts master, Ryu s...
Oct,08 2013 In Theaters
凱特(Kate)和 亨弗雷(Humphrey)還有他們的3個孩子 (Stinky, Claudette and Runt) 正在興致勃勃地準備一起慶祝他們的第一個冬天,而他們最小的幼崽Runt,卻神祕地消失了。此刻,他們必須跨越曠野前往新的征程,在大雪封路之前找到並帶回 Runt。這是他們的最大的冒險,途中充滿了動作和懸念,以及許多幽默和感人的瞬間。雖然他們...
Aug,04 2015 In Theaters
                          Pack up for a howling fun movie adventure filled with action, laughs, and tender moments as Kate and Humphrey take their pups on their first family vacati...