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Jan,26 2013 In Theaters
二戰期間,名叫迪米特里(Alexander Mercury 飾)的莫斯科電影學院研究生有幸接到偉大領袖斯大林同志的命令,以戰地攝影師的身份跟隨諾維科夫(Robert Gwilym 飾)率領的偵查連隊奔赴前線。他的鏡頭中記錄了戰士們閒暇的瞬間以及戰場上激烈交戰的情景,當然也有這些在戰爭洗禮中喪失人性的士兵罪惡獸性的一面。在一個天寒地凍的時節,偵察連隊接到代號熊...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
這部以反對以色列為主格調的動作電影名叫《巴勒斯坦惡狼谷》,是根據同名電視劇改編而成。從電影製片方此前放出的預告片來看,影片講述了主人公及其夥伴作為土耳其祕密間諜一同踏上了向以色列士兵復仇的道路,他們尋找到授權襲擊救援船的以色列指揮官並將其暗殺。預告片中還多次出現了土耳其人和以色列人相互謾罵的情節。 ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A documentary produced in 1979 to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein. Narrated and hosted by Peter Ustinov and written by Nigel Calder, the film takes place at...
Apr,14 2006 In Theaters
羅馬帝國衰亡後,馬可王(盧菲斯索沃飾演)想要整合英格蘭進行自治。他最強的武士叫崔斯坦(詹姆斯法蘭科飾演),家庭慘遭愛爾蘭摧毀後,馬可王撫養他長大。他認為有崔斯坦在他身邊,人民將會團結,掙脫愛爾蘭的壓制。 某回崔斯坦在戰爭中受了重傷,一名叫伊索德(蘇菲亞邁爾斯飾演)的女孩照顧他,讓他康復,兩個青春戀人在海邊小屋私訂終身。無奈她竟是愛爾蘭王唐查的女兒,唐查為將勢...
Jan,01 1968 In Theaters
A casino blackjack dealer plots with his girlfriend and a group of criminals to hijack and rob an armored car carrying a $7 million in cash while it's in route between Las Vegas an...
May,22 1998 In Theaters
來自南太平洋薩摩亞群島的體育記者杜克(約翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 飾)和他的律師朋友剛佐博士(本尼西奧·德·托爾 Benicio Del Tore 飾)一起開車前往拉斯維加斯,尋找他們的“美國夢”。一路上,他們帶了大量毒品和酒精,也遇到形形色色的人,藥物作用下,許多迷亂和癲狂的畫面出現,讓他們分不清幻覺和現實,到底哪個更殘破,哪個更骯髒扭曲。兩個人...
Jul,01 2016 In Theaters
Four friends on their way to Coachella stop off in Los Angeles to tour true-crime occult sites, only to encounter a mysterious young runaway who puts them on a terrifying path to u...
Jan,01 2018 In Theaters
Jul,17 2015 In Theaters
Nov,23 2008 In Theaters
A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his id...
Jan,08 2021 In Theaters
《不可侵犯:溫斯坦性醜聞 Untouchable》一部不可動搖的電影是2019年的英國紀錄片,講述了電影製片人哈維溫斯坦( Harvey Weinstein)和涉及他的性虐待指控。它由Ursula Macfarlane執導。這部電影的重點是採訪溫斯坦的控告者,包括羅珊娜·阿奎特( Rosanna Arquette),帕斯&m...
Jul,26 2013 In Theaters
Toward the end of World War II, Russian soldiers pushing into eastern Germany stumble across a secret Nazi lab, one that has unearthed and begun experimenting with the journal of o...
Mar,15 1995 In Theaters
導演: 布賴恩 特倫查德-史密斯 (Brian Trenchard-Smith) 編劇: David DuBos / 馬克 瓊斯 (Mark Jones (I)) 型別: 喜劇 / 恐怖 / 奇幻 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期...
Jan,01 1999 In Theaters
도협대전 The Conmen In Vegas, 賭俠大戰 拉斯維加斯,은 1999에 발표 된 홍콩 1999 코미디 영화입니다,영화는 왕정가 지배하고 있습니다,임희뢰,유덕화,진백상 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1999년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 도박사 킹, 킹의 친구 화골룡, 화골룡의 사촌 내트는 갱단 두목인 대안의 지하...
Jul,16 2013 In Theaters
Bruno & Earlene Go To Vegas is an LGBTQI genre film with a difference. Headstrong Earlene makes a discovery that she is totally unprepared for. Acting on impulses, she leaves every...
Oct,28 1948 In Theaters
One Touch of Venus (1948) is a film directed by William A. Seiter, starring Robert Walker and Ava Gardner, released by Universal Studios, and based on the Broadway musical of the s...
Apr,25 2006 In Theaters
Nathan is about to get married, but not before his buddies Z-Bog, Eli, Ash, and Johnny throw him a wild bachelor party bash in Las Vegas. ...
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
Luz Garcia, a high school senior in a forgotten Texas town, wants something different than the options awaiting her after graduation. She's earned a ticket out with admission to th...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
融合科幻、愛情和喜劇元素的《火星上的維納斯》共為六集,講述一個渴望在學校獲得關注,不起眼又有點笨拙實驗裏的大學生的女生,Julia 於一次實驗的發生錯誤 而被傳送到一個「只有」男性的平行宇宙-「M-地球」。雖然「M-地球」上的人一開始看起來很熟悉,無論是老師、同學或是茱莉亞曾經熟識的朋友,但事實上,他們都是陌生人。茱莉亞曾有過的人際關係完全改變,迫使茱莉亞重...
Jan,01 1972 In Theaters
導演: 赫蘇斯·弗朗哥 編劇: 赫蘇斯·弗朗哥 主演: 丹尼斯·普萊斯 / 霍華德·沃儂 / Anne Libert 型別: 恐怖 製片國家/地區: 西班牙 / 法國 語言: 法語 上映日期: 1972 片長: 94 分鐘 / N...