Search 喪屍gay result, Total 512 (take 0.001370 seconds).

Mar,21 1991 In Theaters
Mar,01 2014 In Theaters
Whether they're serving drinks at the local gay bar, doing hair at an upscale salon, or managing a fashion boutique, these straight guys are defying stereotypes and breaking down t...
Jan,01 2014 In Theaters
Sep,13 2014 In Theaters
Jun,11 2014 In Theaters
A comedy set in the world of two pickup artists that is centered on the trouble they get into through the lies they tell.
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
The incredible story of how gay men and women went from being the ultimate outsiders to occupying the halls of power, with a profound influence on our cultural, political and socia...
Feb,27 2015 In Theaters
Remarkable Shades of Gay is a compilation of nine short films shot by award winning LGBTQ director William Branden Blinn between 2008 and 2014. Included in the compilation are "Thi...
Jan,29 2016 In Theaters
Story of Lakshmi, a mother, and her son Varun, who is gay. Varun struggles to accept his identity and opens up to Lakshmi, who is an orthodox lady. The film is a journey of their s...
Jul,10 2014 In Theaters
What makes a voice “gay”? A breakup with his boyfriend sets journalist David Thorpe on a quest to unravel a linguistic mystery.
Oct,23 2013 In Theaters
Bekikang is left and abandoned with a baby boy by friend, Fortunato. He loves and raises the child as his own flesh and blood. When things are going so well between Bekikang and th...
Jun,02 2010 In Theaters
主演: 布魯斯·維萊什 / 亞歷克·馬帕 / Sandra Valls / Poppy Champlin / Jeffrey Scott Kennedy 型別: 喜劇 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 2010-06-02(美國) ...
Feb,14 2014 In Theaters
Mar,01 2018 In Theaters
A father, who calls himself "open" and tolerant and fights against any form of discrimination, reveals himself as not so liberal when his son announces the engagement to his partne...
Jan,11 2015 In Theaters
In Salt Lake City, UT, seven Mormons live their lives a little differently. The men (Jeff, Pret & Curtis) are attracted to their wives (Tanya, Megan & Tera), but they are also attr...
Jul,27 2014 In Theaters
The story of a guy who begs for living in a wealthy family, later have sex with a houseboy and brother's house owner.
Apr,17 1969 In Theaters
Jan,01 1958 In Theaters
Famed director Zhu Shilin tries his hand at a horror film! The beginning of The Living Corpse immediately sets the tone with a folk duet clearly inspired by the popular 1956 musica...
Sep,06 2013 In Theaters
影片獲2013年金馬國際影展費比西獎,比利時布魯塞國際奇幻電影節Long Features -Silver Raven及第33屆香港電影金像獎多項獎項。劇情講述80年代的知名動作影星小豪曾經憑《殭屍先生》飾演殭屍獵人紅極一時,可惜年事漸長,風光不再,且情感及家庭生活不順,只好無奈遷入公共屋邨凶宅單位「2442 (音同粵語『異死死異』)」居住。小豪決定在凶宅內...
Jan,01 2015 In Theaters
Mar,11 2018 In Theaters
編劇馬田創作劇本「癲狗喪七」時靈感枯竭,即使絞盡腦汁,依然腦便祕,寫極都唔滿意! 雖然事業遇瓶頸,但得到神經質兼無釐頭老友比利力撐,瞞著他偷偷刊登廣告徵求「瘋子故事」,其瘋狂行徑亦為馬田帶來另類靈感。做兄弟有福同享有難同當,今次比利惹禍上身,馬田自然一齊走人﹗ 比利與拍擋漢斯是專業偷狗賊,以偷狗騙取懸紅搵兩餐。他們好偷唔偷,居然偷走黑幫大佬查裡的愛犬﹗...