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Jun,10 2011 In Theaters
In Mumbai, five young people live life on the edge, until a brush with the law changes everything.
Jul,03 1998 In Theaters
A young man named Satya (J.D Chakravarthy) comes to Mumbai from South India in search of a job. Jailed for something he did not do, the once-honest young man meets an underworld bo...
Apr,02 2016 In Theaters
摩爾莊園的天空樹屋裡,小鼴鼠摩樂樂(楊鷗 配音)和養父菩提大伯(夏磊 配音)過著平靜的生活。由於一次誤會,摩樂樂錯失了出國旅行的好機會,負氣傷心的樂樂,突然收到一張看似意外的火車票。接著,他召喚來了一輛從天而降的列車。這趟神祕的列車只有一個條件:永不歸家。摩樂樂和小夥伴們乘坐列車,開始了探險之旅−−上天入地,還遭遇凶悍空匪的半路攔截。沿途所見所聞讓孩子們驚歎...
Jan,21 1944 In Theaters
With an involved, detailed mystery and an elegant adversary played by Gale Sondergaard, this is one of the most entertaining features in the Sherlock Holmes series of movies starri...
Jun,16 2016 In Theaters
Stockholm My Love is a city symphony, a love letter to Stockholm, the fiction debut of director Mark Cousins and the acting debut of musician Neneh Cherry. It follows one woman's f...
Sep,23 2001 In Theaters
When queen Victoria visits president Grant, the old and new world leaders brag and sneer, ending up to bet who can catch the Daltons first, her P.I. Sherlock Holmes or U.S. top-sle...
Oct,23 2007 In Theaters
Aug,31 2010 In Theaters
Chris, a runaway child, lives with a group of misfits in a junkyard, stealing to survive. When a traveling...
Dec,02 1942 In Theaters
導演: Lewis Seiler 主演: Marlene Dietrich / John Wayne 型別: 劇情 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1942-12-02 片長: 91 分鐘 又名...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Growing up under a strict father and the even stricter tutelage of his fundamentalist Muslim teachers, Tariq enters college questioning his faith, values, and identity. With the en...
Sep,03 2016 In Theaters
Oct,14 2016 In Theaters
奧茲,友好、和平的小獵犬有他的田園生活顛倒馬丁斯離開時一個漫長而遙遠的旅行。 這裡只有一個問題:不允許狗! 無法把他們心愛的奧茲被動應戰,他們定居在接下來的最好,一個叫做藍溪頂級犬spa。 這張照片完美的地方是一個立面由其邪惡的主人捕獲狗。 奧茲最終將很快在現實藍溪,狗的監獄,由狗。 奧茲必須避免危險,找到力量在他的新朋友,切斯特,Fronky和Doc逃離監...
May,17 2019 In Theaters
《0.0赫茲》,此電影為翻拍2012年同名網路漫畫,由《血之期中考2》、《吸血鬼檢察官第2季》的柳善東導演執導,而由鄭恩地、李成烈主演。主軸為描述一群探索超自然懸疑的人們,組成「0.0MHz」同好會,前往一處凶宅所經歷的故事。電影在2019年6月上映。 繼2018話題鬼片《鬼病院》後,又一凶宅探險的韓國靈異恐怖大作 韓國同名人氣網漫改編,評分高達9...
Jan,01 2021 In Theaters
Sep,01 1939 In Theaters
In court for murder, Professor Moriarty is released seconds before Holmes arrives, too late, with vital evidence. Free again Moriarty vows to Holmes that his next crime will be so ...
Mar,07 1994 In Theaters
劇集包括: Season 1, Episode 1: The Three Gables《三角牆山莊》7 March 1994 Season 1, Episode 2: The Dying Detective《臨終的偵...
Jul,09 1986 In Theaters
在這個地球上,有三個人因歇洛克·福爾摩斯而遐爾聞名;華生、柯南·道爾和傑銳萊·布萊特。 三個人,貢獻出三個福爾摩斯‘華生嘴裡的福爾摩斯、柯南·道爾筆下的福爾摩斯和傑銳萊·布萊特扮演的福爾摩斯。 ...
Nov,04 2022 In Theaters
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
This film is the third installment in the Legend of the Moles franchise, based on the hit online game, Mole's World.
Jan,01 1992 In Theaters
大學生鈴木一郎(渡浩之 飾)是一個其貌不揚的青年,但他卻有著不為人知的神奇能力。他自幼就能看到遊離在身邊的鬼魂,並能與他們交談,不過鈴木始終對這個能力懵懵懂懂。 聖誕前夜,他搬到一幢新的公寓。原本收拾房間便是一件讓人心煩的事情,偏偏還有很多不知趣的人前來打擾。鈴木煩躁地送走許多不速之客,...