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Nov,21 1997 In Theaters
故事發生在1916年的俄國,沙皇的滅亡讓尚且還是嬰孩的公主娜塔西婭(梅格·瑞恩 Meg Ryan 配音)和祖母朵瓦格(安吉拉·蘭斯伯瑞 Angela Lansbury 配音)流離失所,在兵荒馬亂之中,兩人失散了。一晃眼十年過去,曾經的公主已經出落成為了名為安雅的美麗女孩,而一直惦念孫女的朵瓦格則開始花重金尋找公主的下落。 ...
Mar,03 1996 In Theaters
Jan,07 2014 In Theaters
Nov,21 1998 In Theaters
친니친니 Anna Magdalena, 安娜瑪德蓮娜,은 1998에 발표 된 홍콩 1998 코미디,로맨스,멜로 .21 개봉 영화입니다,영화는 해중문가 지배하고 있습니다,금성무,곽부성,진혜림 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1998년11월21일에 출시되었습니다. 지루한 일터와 지나치게 깔끔한 아파트, 그리고 어항 속의 물고기가...
Dec,24 1971 In Theaters
导演: 安德烈·塔科夫斯基 编剧: 安德烈·康查洛夫斯基 / 安德烈·塔科夫斯基 主演: 安纳托里·索洛尼岑 / 伊万·拉皮科夫 / 尼古莱·格陵柯 / 尼古拉·谢尔盖耶夫 / 艾尔玛·洛萨 / 尼古拉·布尔里亚耶夫 / 尤里·纳扎罗夫 / 尤里·尼库林 / 罗兰·贝科夫 类型: 剧情 / 传记 / 历史 / ...
Jan,01 1952 In Theaters
Androcles is a Christian who follows that religion's teachings even as they apply to the treatment of animals. Seeing a lion in pain, he removes a huge thorn from the beast's paw, ...
Sep,09 2015 In Theaters
Arianna is nineteen years old and still has not had her first menstrual cycle. Despite the fact that her breasts have become slightly enlarged, which causes her some discomfort, th...
Oct,11 1981 In Theaters
與安德烈共進晚餐》是一部由路易斯·馬勒(Louis Malle)執導的1981年美國喜劇電影,由安德烈·格里高利(Andre)和華萊士·肖恩(Wally)創作和主演。演員們扮演自己的虛構版本,並在曼哈頓的咖啡廳分享談話。 整部影片講的就是一個演員兼編劇跟一個導演在餐桌上討論各種人生話題,有很強的思辨性。片中的兩...
Jan,23 2016 In Theaters
Gloria Vanderbilt and her son Anderson Cooper each tell the story of their past and present, their loves and losses, and reveal how some family stories have the tendency to repeat ...
Jun,08 2016 In Theaters
Indigenous Detective JAY SWAN arrives in the frontier town of "Goldstone" on a missing persons enquiry. What seems like a simple "light duties" investigation opens into a web of cr...
Jan,19 2011 In Theaters
Dec,18 1984 In Theaters
Jan,29 1938 In Theaters
A sparkling four-way affair overflowing with dialogue that showcases writer-director Sacha Guitry’s wit, Quadrille stars Guitry as a magazine editor whose longtime girlfriend (whom...
Sep,19 1996 In Theaters
故事發生在二戰結束之後,安東尼婭(維力奇·範·阿麥萊 Willeke van Ammelrooy 飾)帶著女兒達尼埃萊(埃爾斯·多特曼斯 Els Dottermans 飾)回到了久違的家鄉。安東尼婭樂善好施的善良性格為戰後滿目瘡痍的家園帶來的新的希望,她先後收留了痴呆女孩代代(瑪麗娜·德·格拉夫 Marina de Graaf 飾)和農夫巴斯(簡·德克萊爾 ...
Jan,01 2019 In Theaters
This story's heroine is Qiao An but told modly through the eyes of her friend, Ni Hao. Qiao An used to be from a wealthy family but then something happened, her dad ran away, and n...
Jan,01 1970 In Theaters
《塞巴斯蒂安 Sebastiane》是一部1976年的電影,由德里克·賈曼與Paul Humfress編劇及執導,講述了聖塞巴斯蒂安的故事,包括被箭射死而殉道。本片以同性戀觀衆爲對象,但片中反映的士兵間的同性戀現象保守爭議。這部電影是第一部完全使用拉丁語的電影,並儘可能的在人物對白中加入通俗拉丁語。   公元300年的夏天,羅馬國王迪奧克...
Jan,01 1923 In Theaters
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
  Titled Andròn – The Black Labyrinth the film explores what happens to a group of prisoners who find themselves trapped in a mysterious and deadly maze, according to the official ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
他與他的相遇,讓這世界學會接受與諒解。UGC法國二區11年2月2日發行DVD及藍光碟 超過30萬年前,尼安德特人統治星球,大約3萬年前,他們永遠消失...尼安德特人血液是否仍然在我們的血管中流?沒有人知道,除了AO人-最後的穴居人!