Search 普沙努旺莎 result, Total 492 (take 0.000953 seconds).

Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
노검소광사 Sword Of Conquest, 努劒騷狂沙,은 1990에 발표 된 1990 영화입니다,영화는 장위건가 지배하고 있습니다,관례걸,주해미 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 1990년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 당나라 때 절도사 확정위는 옥문관을 조속히 완성하기 위해 동남동녀를 재물로 바친다. 이를 알게된 천하제...
May,12 1993 In Theaters
Sir Arthur Wellesley takes the army into Spain. In camp, Sharpe and Harper watch the arrival of a new regiment - the South Essex. At its head is Col. Sir Henry Simmerson, accompa...
Jan,15 2010 In Theaters
梵谷的左耳(Painters and Provence) 輔導級 74分 迷戀畢卡索(A life in Provence) 輔導級 78分 為什麼偉大的畫家都來到普羅旺斯居住?燃燒的向日葵、艷陽下的紅葡萄園、麥田裡的絲柏樹、隆河上的星夜與星空下的咖啡館…普羅旺斯的陽光與景色為何讓梵谷的畫風轉變如此巨大?來到【普羅旺斯星空下】,透過如詩的運鏡與旁白,呼吸普羅...
Apr,19 1995 In Theaters
Pyrennees, September 1813 Lost in the Spanish hills, Sharpe's men come across the attacked remains of an English wagon trai...
May,01 1996 In Theaters
Sharpe is horrified to be told that his regiment,the South Essex,is to be disbanded and discovers a plot whereby corrupt war minister Fenner and other high ranking militarists auct...
Apr,26 1995 In Theaters
Franco-Spanish Border, 1813 A carriage travelling through the countryside is ambushed by the French. Only a young nun esca...
Nov,02 2008 In Theaters
Apr,23 2006 In Theaters
《夏普的挑戰》是一部2006年的英國電視電影,通常分爲兩部分,這是根據伯納德·康威爾關於拿破崙戰爭期間英國士兵理查德·夏普的歷史小說小說創作的ITV系列電視劇的一部分。 惠靈頓的公爵在滑鐵盧粉碎拿破崙兩年之後,有來自一個印度當地土着的的新聞,內容是那裏威脅到英國的利益。惠靈頓密令沙普調查,究竟他執行的是什麼樣的危險任務?將軍...
Oct,30 2012 In Theaters
1922年,法國。文思枯竭的女性小說家蘇珊娜·勃蘭科特(蕾蒂莎·科斯塔 Laetitia Casta 飾)為了尋求靈感來到某靜謐鄉間的大房子里居住,以期儘快完成拖欠已久的作品。但是在這個人生地不熟的所在,蘇珊娜的工作未見明顯好轉,空曠古舊的大房子內,老鼠成群結隊,時不時閃現的詭異景象更令這個精神已經高度緊張的作家煩惱不堪。在一個奇怪的房間內,蘇珊娜突然文思泉...
Apr,02 2014 In Theaters
普羅旺斯的夏天 Avis de mistral是由羅斯·博世(Rose Bosch)執導並於2014年發行的法國喜劇劇集。這部電影的英文標題是《普羅旺斯的夏日》和《普羅旺斯的魁北克》。 居住在法國南部鄉村的老人保羅,在一個暑假突然迎來了三個不速之客——來自巴黎的外孫女和外孫。認知的分歧加上與女兒多年的失和讓保羅與三...
May,25 1994 In Theaters
Spain 1812 After the siege of Cuidad Rodrigo, the Dule of Wellington plans to lay siege to Badajoz. Meanwhile, Teresa tell...
Jun,01 1994 In Theaters
Portugal 1813 French, Portuguese and British deserters have banded together and taken over the village of Adrados. They ar...
Apr,12 1995 In Theaters
Spain, Summer 1813 After a campaign battle, Sharpe discovers that a group of soldiers led by Sgt. Rodd are deserting. The p...
May,14 1997 In Theaters
England, Summer 1814 The war is over, Napoleon is in exile on Elba, and Sharpe returns to England. He accepts a posting to...
May,15 1996 In Theaters
France 1813 Col. Cresson and Gen. Calvet plan to capture Wellington's intelligence chief, Maj. Gen. Ross. Gypsies are campi...
May,07 1997 In Theaters
Toulouse - April 1814 In the French camp, Ducos watches as Napoleon's fortune is loaded on a cart. If Toulouse falls, the ...
May,05 1993 In Theaters
Richard Sharpe is a scrappy Sergeant with the second Battalion of the 95th Rifles. After bravely saving the life of the Sir Arthur Wellesley (the future Duke of Wellington), Sharpe...
May,08 1996 In Theaters
Winter 1813 A pro-Bourbon Noble, the Compte de Maquerre is in Wellington's camp, arguing that Bordeaux is ripe for rebellio...
Jun,08 1994 In Theaters
Spain 1813 Aided by Ducos, Napoleon is considering a plan. All it will take is one death and one imprisonment, and Britain...
Oct,03 2014 In Theaters
居住在巴黎的三兄弟莉雅、安德里和天生失聰的小弟弟泰歐,今年夏天到了普羅旺斯,住在素未謀面的外公家中,媽媽和種欖檻樹的外公因多年前失和,所以他們也不奢望這假期會有多夢幻,尤其是出門前一天爸爸才告訴他們要跟媽媽分居。 年輕世代和他們眼中的老頑固一開始就格格不入,未料在七十年代成長的外公保羅也有一段讓他們驚艷的過去,三兄弟在美麗的阿爾碧山脈中慢慢體會到外公外婆的...