Search 霍華德·霍克斯 result, Total 2318 (take 0.002398 seconds).

Mar,13 1992 In Theaters
一次偶然中,海倫(海倫娜·伯翰·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 飾)和瑪格麗特(艾瑪·湯普森 Emma Thompson 飾)兩姐妹結識了威爾克斯一家人。在威爾克斯家所擁有的霍華德莊園中,瑪格麗特和威爾克斯太太(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Red grave 飾)的感情最爲要好,海倫卻在和保羅(Joseph Bennett 飾)的一段...
Jan,18 2008 In Theaters
瞞著父親(湯姆•漢克斯 Tom Hanks飾)從法學院輟學準備當作家的特洛伊•蓋博(科林•漢克斯 Colin Hanks 飾)在報紙上看到一則徵個人助理的廣告,發現自己的未來老闆竟然是曾經風靡一時的“偉大的巴克•霍華德”。巴克(約翰•馬爾科維奇 John Malkovich 飾)是個精神第一論者,能通過意念催眠、透視和尋找物品。他的神奇表演曾使他以嘉賓身份出...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
導演: 袁和平 編劇: 樑立人 / 王晶 主演: 樑家仁 型別: 動作 / 歷史 製片國家/地區: 香港 語言: 漢語普通話 / 粵語 片長: UK: 89 分鐘 IMDb連結: tt00841...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
‘Wider perspectives are needed now,’ states David Hockney, referencing both technical ways of seeing and the parameters of what we choose to view, in this spirited documentary span...
Jun,20 2013 In Theaters
“Holly”講述在基地村作為舞蹈演員工作但不想讓女兒Wan像自己一樣生活的Holly、因為母親的工作被朋友疏遠但為了不忘記偶然發現的芭蕾舞者夢想而努力的女高中生Wan以及幫助她的世界性芭蕾舞者秀珍之間發生的故事。 在電影中擔當主演飾演Wan的敏雅將展現特有的明朗一面。平時在藝能中發揮才能的敏雅這次出演電影會有怎樣的表現令人期待。             ...
Jan,01 2009 In Theaters
Jan,25 2006 In Theaters
《霍元甲》是一部武術宗師霍元甲一生傳奇的電影,由于仁泰導演,江志強監製。霍元甲由李連杰飾演,並找來其他國家演員擔綱。電影主題曲〈霍元甲〉由周杰倫作曲及主唱。 霍元甲(李連杰 飾)年少時以稚嫩的霍家拳打敗向他挑釁的小惡霸後習武信心大增,憑着對武術的悟性及熱情,他的武藝根基日益深厚,成爲天津赫赫有名的武師,可是其性情也漸變得浮躁傲慢,越來越好勇鬥狠。得知徒...
Aug,12 2016 In Theaters
Aspiring NYC artist John Hollar returns to his middle America hometown on the eve of his mother's brain surgery. Joined by his girlfriend, eight months pregnant with their first ch...
Sep,19 1940 In Theaters
The film is set in colonial Virginia between the 1750s and 1781. Matt Howard (Cary Grant), orphaned son of a backwoods Virginia farmer, uses his connections with his schoolmate Tom...
Sep,20 2013 In Theaters
Jan,26 2006 In Theaters
描寫近代著名的武術家霍元甲的傳奇故事,一代武功大師霍元甲從一名滿腔熱血,喜歡打抱不平的年輕人,到發現武術真正的精神,成為影響現代甚鉅的一代武術宗師,一生傳奇故事。 霍元甲幼年多病,一代迷蹤拳宗師的霍父決定不讓他習武,因此他時常遭到周圍小朋友的欺負,但他卻暗自習武有成,因而驚艷眾人 ; 長大後他接管父親的武館,教人武術並立志要維護武館及父親的聲譽,過程中遭受許...
May,05 1955 In Theaters
導演: 約翰 H. 奧爾 (John H. Auer) 編劇: Allen Rivkin / William Wister Haines 型別: 劇情 / 戰爭 製片國家/地區: 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1955-05-05 ...
Apr,20 2012 In Theaters
An aspiring teen detective stumbles into her first real case, when investigating the mysterious new family in her neighborhood.
Jan,01 2020 In Theaters
During Huo Yuan Jia’s first journey in the martial world, he was saved by Nong Jinsun from Qing soldiers’ hunting because of his help to others out of justice. In order to repay, H...
Jan,20 2014 In Theaters
Jan,01 1981 In Theaters
Jan,01 2020 In Theaters
The Refornment Movement of 1898 resulted in the "Six Heroes" dying. Huo Yuan Jia, who was filled with patriotic enthusiasm, had been eager to participate; however, he fell into the...
Nov,12 1974 In Theaters
劇情: 《愛德華·蒙克》(Edvard Munch,1863年12月12日—1944年1月23日),挪威表現主義畫家和版畫複製匠。他畫作主題的強烈精神和感情,對心理苦悶的強烈的、呼喚式的處理手法對20世紀初德國表現主義的成長起了主要的影響。他的作...
Nov,27 1977 In Theaters
Bilbo Baggins the Hobbit was just minding his own business, when his occasional visitor Gandalf the Wizard drops in one night. One by one, a whole group of dwarves drop in, and bef...
Jan,01 1963 In Theaters
The widow has an ugly and lazy daughter, Pechmarie, and a beautiful and hard-working step-daughter, Goldmarie. Because Pechmarie is her real daughter, the widow clearly favors her ...