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Oct,01 2004 In Theaters
周慕雲(樑朝偉飾)是個言情小說作家,他執菸埋首,寫著一部關於2046的小說,故事裡有部神祕列車,Tak(木村拓哉飾)希望乘車去找回一段失去的愛… 現實生活裡周慕雲遊戲人生,新加坡忍痛揮別了蘇麗珍(鞏俐飾)後,返港的他與露露(劉嘉玲飾)舊識重逢,但她對周已全無記憶,只沈醉在與新男友CC(張震飾)之間纏綿的戀事… 緊鄰重整的2046號房,周住進旅店,因而結識與日...
May,20 2004 In Theaters
Women enter and exit a science fiction author's life, over the course of a few years, after the author loses the woman he considers his one true love.
Jan,01 2022 In Theaters
The crisis-ridden period of Generation Z has resulted in legislation requiring practically all people to have a chip implanted in their brains in order to exchange their emotions w...
Feb,01 2021 In Theaters
아마겟돈 2046 Armageddon Tales,은 2021에 발표 된 미국, 2021 액션,SF 영화입니다,영화는 알렉산더 라푄,칼렙 레호브스키,폴 플렛,존 슈바르츠가 지배하고 있습니다,데이빗 마스터슨,메레디스 로즈,마니 L. 페레즈 및 기타 주요 배우,한국에서 2021년02월01일에 출시되었습니다. 팬데믹 이후의...
Jan,01 2016 In Theaters
Sinofuturism is a video essay combining elements of science fiction, documentary melodrama, social realism, and Chinese cosmologies, in order to critique the present-day dilemmas o...
Sep,28 2004 In Theaters
1966年,從新加坡返回香港想忘掉過去的周慕雲(梁朝偉 飾)住進東方酒店的、同他曾經熟悉的數字2046只差一號的2047號房,開始了他的賣文生涯。眼前、曾經在他身邊出現過的一個個女人(章子怡、王菲、張曼玉、劉嘉玲等 飾)經過他大腦的過影后,令他對時空產生疑惑,不但忘不了過去,一幕幕往事反而更加揮之不去。 ...