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Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
Amazonia is an adventure in 3D inside the largest rainforest on the planet: the Amazon rainforest. Chestnut is a Capuchin monkey domesticated who survives a plane crash and finds h...
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
Sep,04 2015 In Theaters
一隻小猴子因飛機墜毀獨自落入亞馬遜叢林中心,他要在叢林中學會生存和保護自己,他需要適應在這未知的世界,神奇的大自然充滿精彩,也充斥著敵意…… 作為失事飛機的倖存者,他是幸運的,但他還是要獨自面對大自然的考驗:與食肉動物、有毒的植物以及亞馬遜叢林的綠色屏障作鬥爭……