Search Cocaine Bear result, Total 22 (take 0.001258 seconds).

Feb,23 2023 In Theaters
It tells the story of a drug runner whose plane crashes with a load of cocaine that's found by a black bear, who eats it.
Feb,23 2023 In Theaters
After a failed drug smuggling operation, a black bear ingests a large amount of cocaine and goes on a drug-fueled rampage.
Apr,08 2014 In Theaters
In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded Miami with a brand of violence unseen in this country since Prohibition-era Chicago. Cocaine Cowboys is the true story of ho...
Feb,23 2023 In Theaters
Synopsis is not available.
Jan,20 2018 In Theaters
At the age of 17, Griselda Blanco, made her way to the U.S. with a fake passport with her first husband Carlos. Living in Queens with her three sons, Griselda became enticed by the...
Apr,26 2006 In Theaters
In the 1980s, ruthless Colombian cocaine barons invaded Miami with a brand of violence unseen in this country since Prohibition-era Chicago - and it put the city on the map. "Cocai...
Sep,08 2017 In Theaters
From inside Bolivia's craziest prison a cocaine worker, a drug mule and his little sister reveal the countries relationship with cocaine.
Jan,01 1985 In Theaters
導演: Héctor Olivera 編劇: Steven M. Krauzer 型別: 劇情 / 動作 製片國家/地區: 阿根廷 / 美國 語言: 英語 上映日期: 1985 片長: 82 分鐘 / Argentina: 11...
Feb,23 2023 In Theaters
สร้างขึ้นมามาจากเหตุการณ์จริงในปี 1985 เมื่อเครื่องบินของนักค้ายาเสพติดเกิดตกลงกลางป่า แล้วหมีดำตัวหนึ่งดันกินโคเคนบนเครื่องบินเข้าไปทั้งถุง พบกับเรื่องราวดาร์กคอเมดี้ที่ประกอบไปด้...
Jan,01 2006 In Theaters
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
. 마약거래, 인신매매, 그리고 무기거래 다음으로 가장 이윤이 남는 불법국제거래는 매 밀수이다. 이 작품은 지정학, 테러리즘, 석유달러, 자연보호 같은 세계 주요 이슈들 사이에서 매 밀수라는 사업이 전 세계적인 자금 순환과 권력 싸움에 끼치는 영향을 조명하고 사람들이 알지 못했던 매 무역의 이면을 폭로한다. (2010년...
Mar,17 2023 In Theaters
Feb,23 2023 In Theaters
《熊蓋毒》是一部2023年美國存活恐怖喜劇影片,啟發來自一隻美洲棕熊在1985年吐出古柯鹼行李袋的真實故事情節。影片由伊莉莎白·班克絲導演,麥克·沃登編劇。 墜毀後數以噸計的毒品四散佐治亞州某雨林深處,並車禍地被一頭500磅的珍寶bear bear棕熊吃掉!大毒bear high 大咗旋即野性大發,精力旺盛到要大開殺戒,雨林...
Jan,01 2007 In Theaters
더치 코카인 팩토리 Dutch Cocaine Factory,은 2007에 발표 된 네덜란드 2007 다큐멘터리 영화입니다,영화는 쟌넷 그로에넨달가 지배하고 있습니다,한국에서 2007년01월01일에 출시되었습니다. 2차 세계대전 이전까지 세계 최대의 양질의 코카인 생산국이었던 네덜란드. 코카인 중독자아렌드는 더치 코카인 ...
Sep,24 2013 In Theaters
Cocaine Bandits IV Welcome to Tijuana
Apr,26 2006 In Theaters
Jan,11 2021 In Theaters
크랙의 시대 - 코카인에 물들다 Crack: Cocaine, Corruption & Conspiracy,은 2021에 발표 된 미국 2021 다큐멘터리,범죄 .11 영화입니다,영화는 스탠리 넬슨가 지배하고 있습니다,한국에서 2021년01월11일에 출시되었습니다. 80년대에 크게 유행한 마약 크랙과 미국 사회의 관계를 ...