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Jun,18 2010 In Theaters
薩沙(Sascha Kekez 飾)一家是來自黑山的東歐移民。薩沙的媽媽一直夢想兒子成為鋼琴家。然而薩沙練習鋼琴的全部原因,是他暗戀著學校英俊成熟的鋼琴老師。直到有一天老師宣佈即將出國,薩沙心灰意冷下,將不能說的祕密告訴了華人女伴阿嬌(Yvonne Yung Hee 飾)。可憐阿嬌一直誤會薩沙對自己有意,一怒之下移情別戀到薩沙弟弟身上。麻煩的是,薩沙一直對保...
Jul,06 2015 In Theaters
Sasha Grey is one of the most recognizable and sought after porn stars in the biz today. She is the epitome of dark sexual desire and she always brings this out in all of her scene...
Sep,17 2018 In Theaters
Uncle Sasha lives on an island in a “dead” village, surrounded by water. He dreams of the restoration of the monarchy and reviving the true wisdom of the Russian way of life, forgo...
Oct,26 2012 In Theaters
沙夏的母親望子成龍,夢想兒子成為出色的鋼琴家,然而她不知道的是, 讓沙夏唯一持續勤練鋼琴的原因,是因為他長期暗戀著帥氣成熟的鋼琴老師。直到有一天鋼琴老師宣佈即將出國,這天大的訊息對沙夏而言猶如世界即將崩垮,心灰意冷下他將這個不能說的祕密告訴了好友阿嬌,可憐的阿嬌一直以為沙夏對自己有意思,卻想不到他是個同志,一怒之下移情別戀到夏沙的弟弟身上。麻煩的是,夏沙的父...