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May,19 2007 In Theaters
There is something horribly wrong with the bodies found in the dark city streets. Some are mutilated while others have the Price equation (wΔz = Cov (w,z) = βwzVz) carved into thei...
Sep,05 2008 In Theaters
變態殺人實驗 殘酷2選1 1)自己被殘虐致死 2)或親手殺死你最愛的人… 從三具屍體上刻的WΔZ字謎猜起… 1 孕婦遭剖肚 一屍兩命! 懷孕女屍全身燒焦,肚子上被刻下「W△Z」的符號… 男友是頭號嫌犯,卻已經在公寓上吊自殺,手指也有燒焦痕跡! 2 雙胞胎互殘?兄焦屍弟失蹤 哥哥頭部被電擊爆漿,內臟、大腦全都燒焦… 弟弟失蹤,現場尋獲一隻手指被插入鐵釘的斷掌!...