Search 佩斯因 result, Total 1103 (take 0.001101 seconds).

Jun,08 2015 In Theaters
A feature length, theatrical documentary on the life of Paul Gascoigne, one of the greatest footballers that ever lived: delving deep into his psyche, vulnerabilities, fears and tr...
Jan,01 2020 In Theaters
Chen Xian and Li Jia, are a couple who have been married for many years. Chen Xian, who is busy with his career, gradually neglects his family. Li Jia is understanding and supporti...
Jan,01 2010 In Theaters
Jan,01 2017 In Theaters
Sep,03 2010 In Theaters
Andrucha Waddington brings famed Spanish playwright Lope de Vega’s passionate life to the screen. The young poet returns to Madrid from war and gets his foot in the door of Madrid'...
Sep,09 1964 In Theaters
故事梗概: 鄉村警察奎少接到了上級調令,被派往聖·特羅佩茲市的警察局工作。奎少帶著女兒來到了城市,一切都令他們感到新鮮,因此也鬧出不少笑話。 ...
Feb,06 2014 In Theaters
故事要從一位無名作家(裘德·洛 Jude Law 飾)說起,爲了專心創作,他來到了名爲“布達佩斯”的飯店,在這裏,作家遇見了飯店的主人穆斯塔法(F·莫里·亞伯拉罕 F. Murray Abraham 飾),穆斯塔法邀請作家共進晚餐,席間,他向作家講述了這座飽經風雨的大飯店的前世今生。 ...
Jan,01 1990 In Theaters
A documentary produced in 1979 to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Albert Einstein. Narrated and hosted by Peter Ustinov and written by Nigel Calder, the film takes place at...
Nov,23 2008 In Theaters
A look at the evolution of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, and Einstein's relationship with British scientist Sir Arthur Eddington, the first physicist to understand his id...
Apr,07 2006 In Theaters
A suicide case is informed to the police from a mental hospital in a rocky district. Two policemen comes to hospital to investigate the case. In the same morning, Dr. Deniz comes t...
Oct,21 1999 In Theaters
《布達佩斯之戀》,或譯作:憂鬱的星期天、黑色星期天、狂琴難了,是一部德國和匈牙利聯合製作的愛情電影。電影設定在二戰後期,原為納粹德國盟國的匈牙利因密謀向盟軍投降而被德軍佔領首都布達佩斯,通過著名樂曲《憂鬱的星期天》的創作歷程,講述了一個悲情的三角戀愛故事。 人們總是難以抗拒《憂鬱星期天》的悲傷情調,原來這首歌與一段複雜悽美的愛情故事有關。上世紀30年代...
Jun,26 2015 In Theaters
因為谷桂花,才能讓我們一步步逼近良心與真相。 長山市電力工程師童月月(顏丙燕 飾)和設計師馬建成(保劍鋒 飾)雨夜撞人逃逸,二人良心不安又返回救人, 反被路人及媒體認為是見義勇為的“英雄”。 童月月根據女人身上的字條...
Oct,27 2017 In Theaters
Apr,10 1968 In Theaters
Will Penny, an aging cowpoke, takes a job on a ranch which requires him to ride the line of the property looking for trespassers or, worse, squatters. He finds that his cabin in th...
Apr,18 2014 In Theaters
好萊塢奇才導演威斯安德森最新作品 2014柏林影展開幕影片 在二戰期間,「布達佩斯大飯店」可是頂港有名聲、下港最出名的大飯店,冠蓋雲集、政商名流都要爭相入住,常常一房難求!但是要住進「布達佩斯大飯店」 門房總管葛斯塔夫一定要打點。 長袖善舞又會察言觀色的總管葛斯塔夫卻遇上了一樁麻煩事,他的紅顏知己高齡80好幾的D夫人突然暴斃,並留下大筆遺產給他。這下可引...
Dec,25 1987 In Theaters
Aug,26 2008 In Theaters
Oct,17 2008 In Theaters
在紐約警察局供職的警探馬克思•佩恩(馬克·沃爾伯格 Mark Wahlberg 飾)作風硬朗,工作出色。他破解的大案要案不計其數,也親手將無數罪大惡極的罪犯送入監獄。然而,他冷酷無情的辦案方式令他四處樹敵,更由此導致妻子、女兒被仇家殺害。爲了調查殺害家人的真兇,馬克思轉入乏人問津的懸案組。在調查某個夜店期間,他邂逅脫衣女郎娜塔莎(Olga Kurylenko...
Jan,01 2007 In Theaters
Unnale Unnale is a scintillating love story for those young at heart. Starring handsome newcomer Vinay from Bangalore; and ...
Jan,04 2017 In Theaters